Professional Figure Skating Instructor and Professional Choreographer Experience (1995-2010)
Responsibilities included: Group sales, coordinator of Learn to Skate programs, Marketing and Fundraising.
Professional Athlete and Figure Skater (1993-2002)
Extensive travel throughout the United States and internationally: Managing groups; Choreography and Directing Ice Shows; Oversaw the coordination and execution of several diverse media platforms including Photo Shoots, Radio, On-site Promotions, Downtown Events, School Visits, Ribbon Cuttings, Interviews and Local News Promotions.
Worked with and represented several Production Companies
Willy Bieteck Productions
Paramount Theme Parks: San Jose, CA
Great America Charlotte, NC
Carrowinds Cincinnati, OH
Kings Island
Chapel Gordan Productions - Synthetic Ice
Escapades on Ice: New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut
Don Laughlin's Resort Hotel & Casino: Laughlin, NV
Lilly Lang Tree Theatre Sheraton Hotel: Valley Forge, PA